A few months ago, Lyon Catholic University and the Fédération des universités catholiques Européennes (FUCE) created a platform of University Research on Islam in Europe and Lebanon (PLURIEL). The goal of this projec

t is to create a unique network of academic research allowing researchers to undertake critical research and meet the highest scientific standards on the subject of Islam.

On 10th of July 2015 there was a meeting at Cardinal

Stefan Wyszynski University with professor Michel Younès.Our University accepted an invitation to take part in this project.


In line with their tradition of openness and dialogue, the European Catholic members university of FUCE consider they have a key role in creating a network of academic research allowing researchers, from their own establishments or from Muslim universities, to undertake critical research and meet the highest scientific standards on the subject of Islam. That is the aim of this project.


The presence of Islam in Europe concerns society in all its dimensions. The academic world is not alone in trying to address this major new change. To varying degrees, all players of society are affected by this reality. Building a life together today d

epends on the way we choose to handle the presence of Islam.

The choice of the geographic area (Europe and Lebanon) for PLURIEL is related to the geographic area of FUCE. Yet it is not exclusive; the project might cover - in addition to Europe - different Mediterranean countries, namely Tunisia, Turkey, and Egypt. This opening shows the importance of the role of Eastern Christians. European research on Islam will greatly benefit from their experience in this field. Their mediation is essential and their knowledge of Arabic will enable a greater understanding of Muslim sources in their original language.

Concretely, the following will be set up:

1)    A platform for coordination,

2)    Research groups in Islamic studies,

3)    An action-oriented research seminar including

academics and business players (broadly speaking)

4)    An academic training center for future teachers and researchers, but also for business and social mediators.

5)    A documentation Center

6)    A forum for encounter and dialogue between Christ

ians and Muslims,

7)    Scholarships will initially serve to attract new students, and after that will become scholarships of excellence.


PLURIEL is a space for scientific research with an academic and societal goal :

1)    An enabling framework for academics to determine all the pressing issues and provide accurate and complementary answers, with their scientific methods.

2)    A space of action-oriented research where academics interact with actors from the world of business, as well as local authorities, and the media involved in the problems of society; The aim being to provide an expertise space for professionals in contact with Islam.

3)    A basis for teaching about Islam as such, in its relation to society, and its relationship to other religions, specifically Christianity.

4)    A place for encounter and dialogue for academics and social players on issues that affect life together, common values, expressions of faith, and especially Christian and Muslim.

At all levels, the European platform aims to host Muslim researchers in order for them to benefit from the academic approach methods used in Europe and for researchers in Catholic universities to benefit from their knowledge. This encounter is crucial for intercultural and interreligious dialogue. It will promote mutual respect and will break down prejudices.

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