Memory in Poland of the rescuers and the rescued from the Holocaust. On the 30th anniversary of granting the title of the Righteous Among The Nations to Sugihara Chiune, Japanese Consul in Lithuania


Warsaw, 11-12 June 2015


Memory in Poland of the rescuers and the rescued from the Holocaust.

On the 30th anniversary of granting the title of the Righteous Among The Nations to Sugihara Chiune, Japanese Consul in Lithuania



Schuman Hallof Auditorium Maximum,

Wóycickiego Street1/3,

CardinalStefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw


How to get to the campus?

The conference is organized under the auspices


the Embassy of Japan in Poland


The conference has received the patronage of:


10 JUNE 2015

16:30- 18:00 Visit in Polin Museum in Warsaw (to be confirmed)


11 JUNE 2015

9:00 Registration

9:30 Welcome

9:50 – 11:00Opening Address:

Representative of the Embassy of Japan in Poland

Representative of the Embassy of Israel in Poland (to be confirmed)

Olga Barbasiewicz (Warsaw, Poland), Aleksandra Hadzelek (Sydney, Australia), In Search of  Sugihara in Poland

11:00-13:05 [SESSION 1]Rescuing Jews in Japan and Asia

Rotem Kowner (Haifa, Israel), Reflections on the Righteous Among The Nations: Sugihara Chiune as a Case Study 

Chiharu Inaba (Nagoya, Japan), Japanese rescuers other than Sugihara in Vladivostok and in Kobe

Ewa Pałasz-Rutkowska (Warsaw, Poland), The rescued in Japan. The role of Polish Ambassador Tadeusz Romer

Mikhail Mitsel (New York, USA),JDC’s Major Rescue Operations During WWII

Teruji Suzuki (Kanagawa, Japan), Japanese government and military leaders measures toward Jews


13:05-14:00 Lunch break


14:00 -15:40[SESSION 2]Jews in Asia

Joanna Guzik (Cracow, Poland), Japan’s Policy toward Jews

Andrew Jakubowicz (Sydney, Australia) Suspended between… : the Polish Jewish community of Shanghai 1941-1946

Barbara Abraham (Oxford, UK/Shanghai, China), Jewish literary contribution to the cultural life of Polish community in Shanghai. Involvement of Stefan Gołąb and A. Swislocki in publication of Echo Szanghajskie and  “Wiadomosci” – the special supplement for the Polish refugees in China

Emilia Rydel (Poznan, Poland), The identitydiscourse in "Zachráněnej v šanghajském ghettu". AnkaVoticka’s testimony

18:00 - 20:00Memories and recollections: personal testimonies of Sugihara survivors and their descendants (venue to be confimed)

Stefans Golab’s poetry from Japan and Shanghai

Marcel Weyland’s pre-recorded reading of a chapter of his unpublished memoir

Meeting with Nina Admoni (nee Wertans) who will present her personal recollections of the journey as a child

Second generations’ personal testimonies: Ms. Admoni, Andrew Jakubowicz, Erica Mitsidis (nee Hechtropf)


12 JUNE 2015


9:00-10:15 [SESSION 3]Memory and commemorations of Sugihara and Zwartendijk in Poland and Lithuania

Linas Venclauskas (Kaunas, Lithuania), Process of memorialization of Ch. Sugihara and J. Zwartendijk in Lithuania(working title)

Simonas Strelcovas (Šiauliai, Lithuania), Footprints of Sugihara and Zwartendijk in Lithuanian historiography. The perspectives for future research

Aleksandra Hadzelek (Sydney, Australia), Silence or amnesia: the non-memory of Sugihara in Poland


10:15-10:45 Coffee Break


10:45-12:00 [SESSION 4]The Righteous Among the Nations: Contemporary dilemmasand problems associated with the award.

Miriam David (Tel Aviv, Israel), The righteous among the nations in the Jewish Tradition

Jan Grosfeld (Warsaw, Poland),Instrumentalisation of the memory. The case of  the <Righteous Among The Nations>

Jakub Greloff (Warsaw, Poland), Recent Issues in Polish Historiography of the Shoah, commemoration, public and scientific discourse


12:00-13:00 Lunch Break


13:00-14:15 [SESSION 5] The perspective of the rescued: personal testimonies of people saved by The Righteous, and their descendants

Iryna Radchenko (Dniepropetrovsk, Ukraine), The Righteous Among the Nations: the problem of rescue in saviors` representations

Leora Tec (Tel Aviv, Israel), Krysia Bloch, Hela Bawnik, Nechama Tec - the labels of victim, survivor and rescuer

Adam Raszewski (Warsaw, Poland), Destroyed innocence. The experience of children of the Holocaust in terms of Bogdan Wojdowski and  Joanna Iwaszkiewicz


14:15-14:45  Coffee Break


15:00 -16:15 [SESSION 6]The rescuers and the rescued from the Holocaust. Activities of Polish Institutions

Anna Wencel, Kamila Czerkawska (Cracow, Poland), Working with Survivors and Witnesses – Educators’ Perspective

Tomasz Sudoł (Warsaw, Poland), Komitet dla Upamiętnienia Polaków Ratujących Żydów (Committee for the Commemoration of Poles who Rescued Jews during the Holocaust) and its collecting data activity of testimonies of Poles that rescued Jews in years 1939-1945.

Klara Jackl (Warsaw. Poland), Project ”The Polish Righteous – Recalling Forgotten History” by the Polin Museum


16:30 Screening of Ocaleni (Rescued), the documentary film by Joanna Król and Karolina Dzięciołowska (English Subtitles) with the introduction by Joanna Król and followed by a Questions & Answers session


During the conference there will be held an exhibition of the Galicia Museum
“Wszystkie drogi…” – historie Żydów ocalonych z Zagłady
["All the ways..." - stories of Jewish Holocaust survivors]

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