The Interdisciplinary Research Network on Migration is a group of academics from Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw and other academics from different Universities, working closely with the Council of Polish Bishops' Conference on Migration and non Governmental Organizations dealing with refugees and immigrants in Poland. The purpose of the Interdisciplinary Network on Migration is to give scientific and ethical answers to the important challenges for the present and future of ageing Europe, in the context of an increasing inflow of immigrants to our continent, and the growing populism, where migration and refugee issues are used for political reasons. The flow of immigrants and refugees into Europe is also a very important challenge for the Catholic Church, regarding its concern for the weakest and the excluded and for the moral implications in European society. The Network is giving the opportunity to exchange experiences, with countries that already have much longer and wider contact with migrants than Poland.
Interdyscyplinarna Sieć Badań nad Migracją